Friday, 11 October 2013

Today is Friday here in Korea and the pour happened this morning as planned with the exception that it happened a couple hours later than we expected. The weather again was perfect.  The rain that we were to have at 9am arrived around 3am so it didn't bother us today
 Jerry and Branden unloading the power screed

 It took a team to place the concrete

 One of 4 cement trucks waiting to be unloaded
 The cement was deep, up to 18 inches in some places and the boots were filled at times

 The power screed doing a good job.
 Jerry trying his hand at the screed

 Branden is not hiding he's checking to see where the low spots are.
 Everybody had a job to do.
 Building headers to make the job easier for next week

 Branden putting the finishing touch on the floor
 Jerry smoothing out the floor
 Time for clean up.  Re organizing the storage shed and sweeping the sidewalk

 We're happy the floor is done and we can rest from concrete work
 Our team of volunteers

 Last night we were given internet service in our room  We don't have to sit on the stairs anymore to gain access to the internet signal

 At lunch today the family made a special soup with long noodles.  They say the longer the noodles the longer you will live.  The soup is served at birthdays.
Su Huyan Jerry and Doreen.  Su Huyan lives with us in our apartment
Jerry's Birthday supper at a local restaurant. Jerry is now 67 years old in Korean way of counting.

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