Thursday, 24 October 2013

Everyday the project gets a little higher and further from mother Earth. Today we started installing the floor system for the attic floor. We are now about 22 feet off the ground and climbing. Getting materials up that high is always a challenge but if you put the youth of Branden together with the old Ukrainian grandpa and through some Korean ingenuity you can come up with a system that is easier than carrying the sheets up the stairs.

 Branden's clamp idea worked well to pull the twisted joists into line.
 We are working on a concept to make it easier to get materials up to the higher levels. Keep watch maybe we will get some power put to the system to make it easier.

The house is getting taller and cutting out more of the view on the levels behind our project. I need to go part way up the second level behind the house to get a view of the floor joists. Another 10 feet or so for the roof.

1 comment:

  1. When is your return eta? Bruce is going to Korea in November with Volvo
