Sunday, 6 October 2013

Good Monday morning. It was a long day yesterday filled with so much activity that it is now early Monday morning before I have time to do the blog.

Last Thursday began an amazing journey of a different front. Branden has been suffering with continual headaches for several months. He has tried to live with them and has tried many things. On Thursday a Chiropractor stopped by the work site and gave a short treatment. He returned on Saturday and did an hour long treatment. Branden's DR. recommended that he try Acupuncture. So yesterday after a very full morning worship service we visited a Dr who administered the treatment.

Then we left and drove to the building site for a dedication service. The second home is about to start being done by a contractor. After the service we all traveled to a Noddle Restaurant where we sat on the floor and ate cold buckwheat noodles and trimmings.  

Branden was not able to eat because we were traveling to Seoul to have a late night MRI. When we arrive at the hospital the technician said perhaps we should do a CT Scan as well. It will show if there is any bleeding. That was quickly done while we waited for the MRI machine. Soon he and the interpreter were gone to the Lab. When they returned the MRI was completed and he also did a MRA. This scan checks for damaged blood vessels we were told.

About mid night we walked out of the hospital with two DVD's containing the images of all the scans. It was a long drive back to Chuncheon and we rolled into bed at about 2:00 AM.
We praise God for the remarkable way He opened doors for us to have these tests and treatments. God is Good, All the Time.

When we arrived at church this little bird needed a rescue. He got into the church but could not find his way out. Grace caught him and released him.
Branden getting the acupuncture treatment
 Dedication of the homes being built
 Seungchon one of the local leaders
 The noodle dinner but Branden was on a fast for the test he was expecting later
 Jerry getting some help mixing the right ingredients into the noodles.
 Doreen working those chopsticks
 Doreen and noodles are two words not often found in the same sentence.
 Havilah a SALT ( a MCC Program called Serving and Learning Together) Volunteer who also lives with Kyong Jung and family and works at the Anabaptist Center.
 The lot next door that will soon be an active building site.
After sleeping in a bit we are ready to get back to work.


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