Monday, 30 September 2013

Monday morning and the rain has been coming down since Saturday afternoon. We did not see the site since the rains came.

Much water in the trenches and mud slides along the trench banks.

We went to work and soon it rained very hard. Standing in the mud and getting soaked we forged forward even with a smile on some faces.

Five Korean volunteers joined us in getting things ready for the pour.

 Doreen right in her element

 Branden killing time by carrying around the lightest saw we have.

 It was good to see a lady and her husband from the church come out for the day. The lady made lunch and then joined us out on the building site.
The first inspection went well. Mr. Chung asked for some additional rebar but could not show it on the plans so he went with what Joe Howell had drawn. Thanks Joe.

Concrete ordered for 7:30 am on Tuesday morning.

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