Sunday, 29 September 2013

Happy Sunday to all
This weekend the church family met out at the lake ( Our Apartment) for a retreat. This week they church had their Thanksgiving Service. We sat around the living room filling every chair and some sitting on the floor.
The singing is very good and enthusiastic. The preaching was done by one of the lady pastors of the church. The church here is make a strong emphasis of being community and sharing many things including leadership of the congregation.

The last half of the service was a family sharing time. Each family was asked to share what they were thankful for. We heard stories of pain and stories of joy but all pointed to a spirit if gratefulness to God for his abiding presence. As the pictures show the 25 people gather in tight spaces and share fellowship and food.

Families sharing their victories in their Christian walk. 

We are assisted by a translator each Sunday. This man and his wife are MC Canada Witness workers that just arrived from Ontario a couple weeks ago.

Pastor Kyong Jung, his wife Ellen and their daughters Grace and Sophia.
Today has been a restful day which we will need approaching another full week of work on the home.

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