Monday, 30 September 2013

Monday morning and the rain has been coming down since Saturday afternoon. We did not see the site since the rains came.

Much water in the trenches and mud slides along the trench banks.

We went to work and soon it rained very hard. Standing in the mud and getting soaked we forged forward even with a smile on some faces.

Five Korean volunteers joined us in getting things ready for the pour.

 Doreen right in her element

 Branden killing time by carrying around the lightest saw we have.

 It was good to see a lady and her husband from the church come out for the day. The lady made lunch and then joined us out on the building site.
The first inspection went well. Mr. Chung asked for some additional rebar but could not show it on the plans so he went with what Joe Howell had drawn. Thanks Joe.

Concrete ordered for 7:30 am on Tuesday morning.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Happy Sunday to all
This weekend the church family met out at the lake ( Our Apartment) for a retreat. This week they church had their Thanksgiving Service. We sat around the living room filling every chair and some sitting on the floor.
The singing is very good and enthusiastic. The preaching was done by one of the lady pastors of the church. The church here is make a strong emphasis of being community and sharing many things including leadership of the congregation.

The last half of the service was a family sharing time. Each family was asked to share what they were thankful for. We heard stories of pain and stories of joy but all pointed to a spirit if gratefulness to God for his abiding presence. As the pictures show the 25 people gather in tight spaces and share fellowship and food.

Families sharing their victories in their Christian walk. 

We are assisted by a translator each Sunday. This man and his wife are MC Canada Witness workers that just arrived from Ontario a couple weeks ago.

Pastor Kyong Jung, his wife Ellen and their daughters Grace and Sophia.
Today has been a restful day which we will need approaching another full week of work on the home.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Saturday work day has come to a close with much accomplished. The digging is done, the footing forms are set and the steel is tied in place.

We hope to get the footing inspection on Monday morning and pour concrete on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning.

Today several volunteers joined us which was very helpful. Ellen, Kyong Jung's wife and our host was in the trenches as well.

We had American \style burgers for lunch today.

We are being treated royally.
 a few pictures from today.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Wow. One week since we arrived and everything broke loose. Materials arrived and the digger showed up on time. Today the steel forms for the walls showed up. Did not get the digging completed but expect to finish up tomorrow.
Off to bed soon. Very Tired.


Thursday, 26 September 2013

It is now one week since we left BC and it will be one week tomorrow since we arrived in SK. The project is now taking a turn in the move forward. Our first load of materials arrived today and more will be coming tomorrow. The Digging Machine is expected at 8:30 tomorrow morning so now starts the work. Today was a day of ordering materials and lining up a generator and form rentals. Every stop takes so much time to communicate what we want and what they may have or what they may call it. So lots of picture drawing.

We live on the third floor of the apartment and the internet signal is on the first floor. I had too much free time so I devised a way to get our messages. I write an email and send it out. Then I but the cell phone into a milk jug and let it down over the rail to the first floor. When the phone gets into the service range it send and receives email and I pull it back up to read my messages.
Well we are ready to go. We received word that the permit has been given to the Architech and he has given us clearance to start digging tomorrow morning.
No more time for playing around.   




Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Wednesday morning we were without a vehicle so we spent some time at the building site. Preparing the site for digging and checking the tool supply.

 The Military Machines travel past our door almost every day reminding us that we are very close to the DMZ. Demilitarized Zone with North Korea.

 For us a time for an interesting ice cream balloon.

 Lunch at a traditional Korean Restaurant. Sit on the floor at very low tables.

 Lots of food... Many new tastes.
 My bowl of Mushroom and Tofu Soup.
It is September 25 and Doreen is celebrating her birthday.

The word at the end of the day is that we are expecting the permit tomorrow, Thursday. Time to order materials and an excavator.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

It is now Tuesday here in SK. We have had limited internet service until today when the service was installed at out apartment.

Sunday was a great day as Pastor Kyung Jung met us at the Seoul Airport and took us directly to the worship service where we were introduced to the church family.

Guests get the best seats in the house with an interpreter to keep us engaged.

Many new tastes with a run at the use of chopsticks. Branden has this figured out but Doreen and I are on a steep learning curve.
The view across the street from the Korean Anabaptist Center is the river with the peace park and the Canadian Flag flying in the breeze. The Korean Conflict ended 65 years ago but the sense of that destructive period of history lingers in the conversations at many point. It is fitting that God has provided such a great location for the Mennonite Church that is trying to demonstrate a Peace Position to the community.

The next four pictures are of the building site as seen from our apartment. Then a close up look of the actual site. Much conversation happening as details are ironed out for the location of the house on the lot.

It is now Monday and we are having our first day of work as we cut the weeds and tall grass with a sickle. A new tool to us foreigners.
It was very hot day and the neighbor lady shared some cooled rice drink with us. We feel so blessed as we come into this culture and are accepted.
Here is a quick look at our apartment and the view from our very nice apartment. At this time Branden, Doreen and I share a two bedroom apartment with a kitchen and bath. More than adequate but we are grateful. As you will see sleeping on the floor is common for most Koreans. They have since the first day bought a bed for us old people.








We have only one car that acts as the school bus like in the picture of as our work vehicle ar off the shop or go to church.
Now we are trying to learn a new system for forming the concrete walls of the foundation. It becomes quite a challenge when I ask a question in English and the pastor turns to the sales person and chats for several minutes and then I may get the answer or I may not have made myself clear. It is taking some time to get this project out of the ground.

We ask that you pray with us that we get our permit tomorrow so that may start digging. The day is done so it is time for some sleep.